The Micro Script Rules

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Title : The Micro Script Rules : How ideas break through in the hyper-connected world

By : Bill Schley

Content List

The “Telephone Game” Fifty Years Later
Magic Words
It Started With Our Brain Wiring in 5,000,027 BC
Survival of the Simplest
The Lawyer Got it Right
Ever Catch a Ball?
What If We Could Bottle This?

I. The Three Big Rules
1. It’s What They Repeat
– The Word of Mouth Machines
– Trust
2. Micro-Scripts
– Definition
– Q&A
3. The Dominant Selling Idea

II. Micro-Scripts for You and Me
Made from Sugar
The Journey
The Other White Meat
Don’t Have to Be Famous
Volvo Convertibles
Listen to Your Second Grade Teacher

III. Timely Take-Aways
The Power Grid
Master Rule of Thumb
Ready for the “How to”

IV. About the Author
V. Other Books

A Part of Content
Rule 2: What They Want to Repeat are Micro-Scripts
If they like your product or service—they want to talk about you. And what they like to repeat most of all, today more than ever, are Micro-Scripts. Remember, “If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit?” And, “Wheaties, Breakfast of Champions?” Those are Micro-Scripts. Great communicators use them almost like magic words. They take Word of Mouth or any communications medium to a higher effectiveness level. And any one of us can create our own and gain their power, when we know how they work.
So what is a Micro-Script?
Think of a movie script or a great speech for a second. The most powerful, memorable words in history are in scripts like Hamlet or the Gettysburg Address that would take hours for an actor to memorize. But they sure have an effect on the audience. A Micro-Script is a mini set of powerful, memorable words—four or five maybe, that millions of people can instantly memorize—and like to memorize—to have an effect on others.
Here’s the official definition:
A Micro-Script is a verbal “instant message” that people like to repeat, generally word-for-word, to inform, impress or persuade others. It lets the receiver make a snap judgment on the least amount of information. It usually contains metaphors, vivid word or rhythmic sounds to form a complete idea in the mind. It’s how we verbalize in a way that’s optimized for the heuristic brain. That means—It must be quick, compact and easy—short as a word or phrase.
And if it’s for marketing, it must support something called your Dominant Selling Idea – a concept we’ll talk a little more about at the end.
Here are some more examples of really famous Micro-Scripts:
… It’s finger lickin good!
… It’s the quicker picker upper.
… What Would Jesus Do?
… Guns don’t kill people, people do.
… She can see Russia from her house!
… Dr. Scholls Gel Insoles. Are you gellin?
… Do unto others as you’d have others do unto you.

Micro-Scripts hold so much power—some are literally history changers.
For example:
The Domino Theory—a Micro-Script that explained a nation’s whole foreign policy in two words—that is—if one country in Asia fell to the communists, all the others would fall. It gave America permission to support the War in Vietnam.
During the early days of the cold war, every school child in the US could repeat the words Domino Theory. And history changed for millions of people as a result. Micro-Scripts have completely changed Presidential elections, too. Once the Republicans labeled John Kerry the fl-p fl--r, it stuck and he could never shed it. Suddenly, every average Joe could hold a political argument at the bar…
Politicians perfected Micro-Scripts in the last 25 years because political campaigns are in a never ending, crisis marketing mode. It’s a one day sale for 100% market share—so they can only afford to use the most powerful, effective kinds of words. Think of: Read my lips, no new taxes, the compassionate conservative and Intelligent Design.
But remember Micro-Scripts were invented by the great marketers and the smartest marketers are doing it still. [getfree]